
WHAT IS NightLase™?

NightLase is a leading-edge laser procedure for the treatment of snoring. It is a NON-invasive, NO appliances, simple and an effective way of reducing or eliminating snoring.

How NightLase™ Works

Laser energy is used to heat the tissues of the airway causing a tightening effect which helps to keep your airway open. NightLase™ is performed with approximately three short treatments spaced over two months. Each treatment lasts 15 minutes and requires no anesthesia. The procedure is comfortable and you can resume your daily routine immediately afterwards. Results are often seen after the first session.

Before NightLase

Before NightLase

After NightLase

After NightLase

What is the recovery time?

What makes NightLase such a notable treatment for snoring is the fact that unlike surgery there is no downtime. So you can literally walk in the office and have the procedure done, and return to your normal routine immediately.

Who Should Consider NightLase Treatment?

- If snoring is negatively impacting your sleep or putting you at risk of sleep apnea you may be a good candidate for NightLase.

-NightLase helps you breath better during the day as well. 

Are you tired of having your sleep interrupted at night because of snoring? If you are, NightLase treatment may help you get the restful sleep you desire, so that you wake up feeling refreshed.