We know that paying for dental and medical care can be stressful, but at Healthy Sleep, we work closely with patients to help them make the most of their insurance and offer affordable care. We are happy to help patients understand their coverage and by processing and filing claims. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime. 

We Accept Medicare & Tricare

We are happy to help patients covered by Medicare and Tricare insurance plans. Our team is dedicated to helping patients make the most of their benefits. We work hard to stay on top of Medicare’s changing rules and regulations so we can make sure you have everything you need to maximize your coverage. Be sure to give us a call if you have any questions!

We Offer CareCredit Financing

If patients would like payment flexibility, we are happy to work with CareCredit to offer third party financing. CareCredit is a trusted provider of low or no interest financing for patients.  We are happy to explain your financing options, and help you afford the care you need to sleep soundly.