Healthy Start System


The HealthyStart System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their ideal position. In addition, HealthyStart aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming
permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight, and develop proper oral habits.


Healthy Start Addresses Root Causes
1) Expanding the dental arches
2) Establishes nasal breathing
3) Trains the tongue
4) Eliminates bad habits
5) Opens airway by advancing the mandible, if needed
6) Corrects malocclusion
7) Encourages proper facial and body growth
8) Reduces future relapse

If you would like to attend a free webinar, “What do ADD/ADHD, Bed-Wetting, Snoring and Crooked/Crowded Teeth have in common? Get the Answers!!”, please click this button:

Understanding the Danger of Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing is not the same as nasal breathing. When a child’s airway is narrow, underdeveloped or constructive in any way, the child will struggle to receive enough oxygen at night and may resort to mouth breathing which compounds this issue. Negative aspects of mouth breathing:
- Can be a contributing factor to a compromised airway
- Prevents the proper function of the tongue and other orofacial muscles that children need to speak, swallow, chew, and function properly
- Can cause the tonsils and adenoids to swell and become enlarged further impacting a restricted airway
** HealthyStart treatment can help open up the airway of a growing child by bringing the upper and lower jaws forward and allowing the airway to widen.
An open airway increases the oxygen the child receives to the brain, which restores the brains function for the next day. This in turn leads to an improved immune system, hormonal system and an overall healthier child.

With HealthyStart you’ll see your child
becoming the best version of themselves!